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Determination / Consistency / Believer

She’s an actress. She appeared in Xavier Dolan's "Matthias & Maxime" and "The United States vs. Billie Holiday", directed by Lee Daniels and got a supporting role in the Québec TV show Ruptures, playing alongside Normand D'Amour. She’s also a business woman. She creates high quality perfume and sells beauty products. 


Moevir Magazine OCTOBER Issue 2022 featured edition


Photographer: Andreane Chamberland @andreanec 

Photographer: Shaun Alexander 

Model:Anne-Krystel Goyer @annekrystelgoyerofficial 

Stylist: Anne-Krystel Goyer 

Stylist:Megane Livernoche 

Makeup artist: Tammy Suarez @tammysuarez 

Fashion Designer: Michael Costello @michaelcostello


Tell us something about you. Maybe your life, profession, habit, dream. 

I became sober more than 3 years ago and I must say that meditation helped me alot in my process so I continue to use this tool everyday and it changes my life. I really believe it can make a huge difference in other people's lives too. That's why I’m talking about it regularly on my social media. Almost all my posts  are on well being and motivation. 

That’s also why I love to create perfume: I know that fragrances highly influence the various mental and physical conditions of humans, I wish to succeed in spreading well-being among those who wear it. In addition, I am donating to David Lynch’s foundation. This foundation helps transform lives by providing a proven tool for healing and empowerment – the evidence-based transcendental meditation (TM) technique – to those who need it most. 

What is your greatest strength as a professional?

My greatest strength is understanding human behavior and being authentic. Confidence is also an important strength but I believe it’s not good to be too confident because it’s important to be able to easily adapt and always stay humble in every situation.

Could you share how you expand your vision of art, fashion?

For me, it’s acting. Everytime I have the chance to be on set, I really enjoy it. It’s the only reason I like to wake up early and I must say that I am pretty impatient in life but on set I’m the most patient person because it’s long and very exhausting sometimes but for some reasons I don’t even care because I’m so grateful to be there every time. 

In your daily routine, what resources do you like to learn new things about art, fashion?

My art is the cinema so I like to inform myself and read or watch a lot of stuff about it but I need to be well-informed and knowledgeable in general too. It’s important for me to read up and get information on different aspects of life and the issues happening around the world.

Is art, fashion important in your life? Why?

Honestly, I love beautiful things but it’s not primordial for me. If you'd see my wardrobe, you’d understand. I always wear the same kind of t-shirt and leggings when I’m not attending an event or a dinner. I don’t even like shopping.  

What are your career goals over the next five years?

I see myself telling amazing stories that people are thrilled to watch; to make them laugh and cry. To have my breakthrough and work full time as an actress on A-list projects. I see myself having a dream team that believes in me and makes the impossible possible. I see myself as one of the first French Canadians to become internationally recognized in the film and television industry in the USA on a high level. I see challenges of having a lot of roles with completely different characters. I see myself helping others notably with meditation and well being.

What experience do you have in your profession? Do you have any problems with your profession? How did you solve it?

I got my Sag card in 2021 which is the union for actors in the United States but I've been an Actra member in Canada for years now. I’m from Montreal and as you probably know, most people speak French in Montreal. So in terms of difficulty I must say my English accent needs to be improved, that’s why I’m taking American accent classes. That’s also a reason why I decided to move  to L.A. so because I was chosen for a role in a film, I could’ve applied for a O-1B Visa. I need the immigration to accept my application in order to be able to work in the USA so this task itself is challenging because it’s also a  new country for me and I don’t know many people over here yet so I’m doing the best I can to get to know people in the industry. I also create perfume and sell beauty products on my website and the good thing about it is that my company is based in Quebec so I can work from anywhere. That helps a lot.

Who do people impact most in your profession? What do you learn from them?

Almost everybody watches TV and/or Films. Actors are in fact storytellers and of course they impact people with their art, acting and performance because they are an expression of life – our cultures, our worries, our love, our strengths, our weaknesses and our existential curiosity. We learn from them because we, actors, tell their stories! Good actors are also great listeners and observers and who do you think they observe? The people like you and me who are mom, homeless, business person, daughter, mental issues… All of them have a different story so we got a lot to learn from everyone that’s for sure.

Do you have any education or training that informs your practice?

I’m in constant evolution doing acting classes. Some of the training/classes I did (and continue to do because you know, it’s not something you learn and that’s it… I believe the key is in consistency of improvement)

-American accent 

-Authentic Acting with Joseph Pearlman

-How to cry on cue with Larry Silverberg from True acting institute

-Coaching with Anik Matern

-Acting Pros with Wendy Davis

-The instinctive Actor with Jo Kelly 

-Michelle Danner Acting School 

-Voice & diction  

-Contemporary Theater 

And about my perfume business I went to college in Apparel Management. With time, I also learned a lot about websites, social media ads, marketing, etc. 

Would you consider yourself as a creative individual?

I consider myself as an artist and I love to create and bring my own ideas, choices and that’s exactly what actors do for each character role. A good actor is completely living the role, not just a talking head. So of course I need to be creative to be an actor.  It’s our job to illuminate the words with our specific point of view, to show what we have to add to the role, to not just spit back the obvious. This is definitely creative.

What are your aspirations for your career?

I worked on a film last year with a very talented director, he is very young and I simply love his determination. We speak every day and we are both very passionate about cinema. So it is certain that we will work again and again in the future. The movie will come out in 2023. I don’t want to give much details about this project because it is still confidential but I believe in this film and the relationship I created doing it. The only thing I can say it’s that he will submit to some festival and the rest is to come. 

Sometimes life make you wait but I know inside of me that cinema is what I love to do so I’ll be patient because I believe it’s the best job I can do in life so I’m going to pursue it as long as it takes for me to be able to do it all the time with people I admire and to work on A-list projects. In the meantime, I keep working on my craft, creating connections and work on my confidence every day.

How do you prepare for your new shoot?

Honestly, I just follow the process of choosing the photographer, deciding my look and sleep well the day before, be ready and on time. I won’t lie, I love to pose for the camera. I think it’s fun and it’s beautiful to see the result but I don’t see myself as a model and that’s not something I ever wanted to do for a living. What can I say… I’m really into acting. 

How would you handle a situation where a photographer isn't directing you properly?

I always prefer to trust my instinct anyway. The more I feel good and free the more beautiful the photo will be. If sometimes I need adjustment of course I like to be directed but I don’t wait to be directed to pose. It just comes naturally most of the time. 

How do you approach building relationships with a new creative team and colleagues? 

Honestly the best relationships I have are from reference. Sometimes I’ll just write on social media and email too. I approach people in various ways; it always depends on the circumstances. 

If a director asked to do a shoot or show you weren't comfortable with, how would you react?

If I'm not comfortable with something I will speak up and we’ll find a solution. I believe it’s also good to go out of our comfort zone. It depends if it attacks my values or not. But if it’s just because I never did it before, I would probably try even if I am not comfortable with it. We need to embrace the change in life. That’s how we evolve.  

Bridging the Confluence of Fashion, Art, and Innovation. stands at the intersection of avant-garde fashion and cutting-edge art photography. At the core of our vision is a dedication to offer our discerning readers.
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